Residential FAQ

What occurs once I submit a request for a free quote?

After completing our pricing page, an email will be sent to you containing a summary of your selections and corresponding prices. Simultaneously, our customer service team will initiate the setup of your program in our system and arrange your appointment for the preferred time you specified. In the event that the chosen time is not feasible or if there are any additional inquiries, we will promptly contact you by phone.

Why is an inspection required prior to receiving a quote?

Each residence and business location is unique, particularly when it comes to the range of pest challenges. Our experts are skilled in tailoring a protection program designed to effectively address and eliminate your specific pest issues.

What is the pricing for pest control services?

The cost of pest control services is determined by factors such as the size of your residence, the frequency of visits, and the necessary measures to eliminate and prevent pests. Reach out to us to receive a free estimate tailored to your specific needs.

How soon are you able to start the service after I submit an order?

Typically, the service occurs within 24 to 48 hours, taking into account both your availability and technician schedules.

Under the General Service Plan, how often will my house be treated for pests?

Under the standard General Service Plan, we plan to service approximately once every quarter (every three months).

What is the purpose of the 30-day follow-up service?

During the initial visit, we conduct a comprehensive inspection inside and outside your property. We address the current infestation, strategically place monitoring devices to detect any additional pest activity, and administer preventative treatments both inside and outside. At the 30-day follow-up, we examine the monitoring devices for any new pest activity, treat specific target areas indoors if necessary, and reinforce preventative measures on the exterior, focusing on key entry points such as window sills and doorways.

Why is the interior of my home not treated during every visit in your pest control program?

Our goal is to minimize the use of pesticides inside your home by implementing a comprehensive treatment outside. This approach aims to prevent pests from entering your home in the first place. If there is ever a need for interior treatment, we are more than willing to address the specific issue promptly and effectively.

How soon can we expect to see results after service?

You can expect a significant decrease in pest activity within one to two days following the treatment. Depending on the specific pest and the selected materials for optimal long-term effectiveness, it's common to observe a gradual reduction up to 14 days. If pest activity persists beyond this period, kindly reach out to our office to arrange a free follow-up service.

Do I need to leave my home during the treatment?

In the majority of cases, there is no need for you to leave your home during our service. If, however, it becomes necessary for you to be temporarily out of your home during a treatment, we will communicate this with you in advance for your convenience.

Do you provide free treatments between scheduled services if the pest issue persists?

Yes, if pests reappear between your scheduled services, simply contact our customer service representatives, and we will promptly return to treat the pests again at no additional cost.

Is it possible to receive a call ahead before each scheduled visit?

Yes, we do provide a courtesy call or email if you prefer to be notified before our visit to your home.

When might a homeowner observe signs of termite presence?

Termites typically swarm in early spring. It's important to note that termites in wood or soil remain active throughout the entire year.

What preventive measures can homeowners take to deter termites?

The key is to eliminate conditions favorable for termite survival. Since termites thrive in moist environments, preventing moisture buildup around your home is crucial. Ensure proper drainage by maintaining functional downspouts, gutters, and splash blocks. Improve ventilation in crawl spaces to reduce humidity. Trim back shrubs, vines, and vegetation to prevent them from covering vents. Remove remnants like old form boards and grade stakes left after construction. Regularly inspect your home's foundation for any signs of termite damage.

Is termite damage covered by homeowner's insurance?

Typically, homeowner's insurance does not cover termite damage. Insurance policies commonly exclude coverage for damage caused by pests, including termites. It's advisable to check your specific insurance policy or consult with your insurance provider to understand the extent of your coverage and whether additional termite protection is necessary.

Can you provide protection for my home against termites?

Yes, our technicians can pinpoint any termite activity on your property and engage in a discussion with you about potential treatment methods, ensuring the best protection for your home.

Is your bed bug treatment backed by a guarantee?

Yes, if bed bugs resurface after our service, we will return and re-treat at no additional cost to you.

How is the pricing for bed bug treatment determined?

To accurately assess the extent of the infestation, a comprehensive inspection is necessary. The typical cost for bed bug extermination is $200 per infested room, subject to the findings of the thorough inspection and the scale of the infestation.

What products does your company use?

Speak to our customer service representatives for a list of products used during your service call.

How long is the efficacy of your products?

For the three months following the application, any bugs, insects, or other pests in the treated area will be exterminated.

Does White Hawk offer organic treatments?

Upon request, White Hawk provides organic exterminator treatment products. For more information, please consult with our customer service representatives.

Why do you recommend Sentricon for termite protection?

Sentricon is often recommended for termite treatment due to its effectiveness and environmentally friendly approach. Sentricon is a termite baiting system that targets termite colonies at the source. Here are some reasons why Sentricon is a popular choice:

• Colony Elimination: Sentricon works by using bait stations containing Recruit HD termite bait. Termites consume the bait and share it with the colony, eventually leading to the elimination of the entire termite population.

• Low Environmental Impact: Sentricon is designed to minimize its impact on the environment. The active ingredient in the bait is specific to termites, reducing the risk to non-target organisms.

• Non-Intrusive: Sentricon doesn't require drilling or digging around a property, making it a less invasive option for homeowners.

• Continuous Monitoring: The Sentricon system includes ongoing monitoring to detect and address termite activity promptly, providing long-term protection.

• Proven Track Record: Sentricon has a history of successful termite colony elimination and is widely used in the industry.

While Sentricon is a popular choice, the best termite treatment may vary based on factors such as the extent of the infestation, the type of termites involved, and the property's characteristics. Consulting with a pest control professional can help determine the most suitable treatment for your specific situation."

What advantages does a pest control service offer?

A pest control service provides several advantages, including:

• Effective Pest Management: Professional expertise and tools ensure the efficient control and elimination of various pests.

• Tailored Solutions: Customized approaches are employed to address specific pest issues, offering targeted solutions based on the type and severity of the infestation.

• Preventive Measures: Regular service helps prevent future infestations, reducing the risk of damage and the need for extensive treatments.

• Health and Safety: By minimizing the presence of disease-carrying pests, a pest control service contributes to maintaining a healthier and safer environment.

• Property Protection: Safeguarding structures and belongings from potential damage caused by pests is a key benefit.

• Peace of Mind: Ongoing inspections and treatments provide assurance that your property is actively monitored and managed for pests.

• Cost-Efficiency: While there is a service cost, it can save money by preventing significant damage that might require expensive repairs.

• Professional Expertise: Pest control professionals possess the knowledge to identify pests, understand their behavior, and apply effective solutions.

What are the most effective measures I can use to prevent pest infestations?

To prevent pest infestations, consider implementing the following effective measures:

• Maintain Cleanliness: Regularly clean and declutter your living spaces. Ensure that food crumbs and spills are promptly cleaned, and garbage is properly sealed and disposed of.

• Seal Entry Points: Inspect and seal any cracks, gaps, or openings in windows, doors, and the foundation. This helps prevent pests from finding easy access to your home.

• Proper Food Storage: Store food items in airtight containers to deny pests a potential food source. This is particularly important in kitchens and pantries.

• Regular Inspections: Conduct routine inspections of your home, paying attention to areas prone to moisture, such as basements and attics. Identify and address any leaks promptly.

• Outdoor Maintenance: Keep outdoor spaces well-maintained. Trim vegetation away from your home, clear debris, and store firewood away from the house to reduce potential hiding spots for pests.

• Proper Waste Management: Dispose of garbage regularly in sealed bins, and ensure that outdoor trash receptacles are secured. Avoid leaving pet food outside overnight.

• Professional Pest Control: Consider scheduling regular pest control inspections and treatments with a professional service to proactively manage potential infestations."

What are some signs that I have a pest infestation?

Several signs can indicate a pest infestation in your home. Keep an eye out for the following:

• Droppings: Finding feces or urine stains in areas where pests are active is a clear sign of an infestation. The size and shape of droppings can help identify the type of pest.

• Unusual Odors: Foul or musty odors, especially in hidden or confined spaces, may suggest the presence of pests. Certain pests release distinct odors as part of their activities.

• Visible Damage: Chewed or gnawed areas on furniture, wiring, or structures can indicate the presence of rodents or insects. Look for signs of damage in common hiding spots.

• Nesting Materials: Discovering nests or nesting materials, such as shredded paper, fabric, or insulation, may point to a pest infestation. Check attics, basements, and other secluded areas.

• Scratching Noises: Unusual sounds, like scratching or scurrying, may be heard in walls, ceilings, or other hidden spaces. These noises can be a clear indication of pests.

• Visible Pests: Spotting pests during the day, especially if they are not typically active during daylight hours, may suggest a large infestation. Keep an eye out for pests in common areas.

• Bite Marks: If you wake up with unexplained bites or notice bite marks on food packages, it could indicate the presence of bed bugs or pantry pests.

• Grease Tracks: Rodents often leave greasy smudges along their regular pathways. These tracks may be visible on walls or along baseboards.

• Holes or Entry Points: Small holes, cracks, or gaps in walls, floors, or foundations can serve as entry points for pests. Regularly inspect these areas for signs of intrusion.

• Increased Pest Activity: Seeing a sudden increase in pest activity, such as a swarm of flying insects or a higher number of rodents, is a strong indication of an infestation."

What is the recommended frequency for pest control treatments?

Pest control treatments are generally recommended on a quarterly basis for residential properties. However, if you are dealing with concerns related to mosquitoes and/or fleas, monthly services are more suitable for your needs.

Are the treatments safe for both my family and pets?

Yes, we advise keeping your children and pets away from the treated areas until they are fully dry, which usually takes approximately one hour.

Do I require Pest Control throughout the entire year, or is it only necessary during the summer months?

Although pests like ants, wasps, spiders, and mosquitoes tend to be more active during the summer months, their presence doesn't diminish in the winter. In fact, it's quite the opposite, as pests seek shelter when the weather changes and temperatures drop. When it gets cold, spiders, ants, and even rodents may migrate from your yard to seek refuge in the warmth of your home.

Do you trap wild animals?

We provide wildlife removal services for various species, including bees, armadillos, bats, birds, snakes, coyotes, squirrels, possums, raccoons, rats, skunks, and moles.

How do I provide confidential feedback about my technician?

To share private feedback about your technician, please visit our Contact page and complete the feedback form provided. Your input is valuable, and we appreciate your efforts in helping us maintain the highest level of service.

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